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How to Take Care of Your Hair To Stay Healthy and Shiny

There are various ways to care for your hair to be healthy and shiny. Some easy ways that can be done without having to go to the salon, is to choose the appropriate hair care products, apply good habits that support hair health, and nourish hair from the inside through healthy food intake. Hair that looks beautiful when viewed from afar is not necessarily without problems. Because over time, the hair can become dry, fall out, or split ends. Sunlight, climate, and pollution are thought to play a role in hair changes and damage. Not to mention the use of blow dry, straightener or vise (flat iron), curlers, and hair dyes. Come on, see the various ways to care for your hair so that your crown is always healthy and beautiful below.

Daily Hair Care Techniques

The following are various hair care tips that can be started when you are at home and done every day, including:
  • Starting from the scalp

  • How to care for healthy, beautiful and shiny hair can be started by not forgetting the health of the scalp. Why? Because hair roots are embedded under the scalp. According to hair and scalp care experts, hair follicles are affected by health and blood supply from surrounding skin tissue. So, you could say if the scalp is the key to healthy hair. Some experts recommend choosing hair care products that contain fatty alcohol or read myristyl, cetyl, and stearyl. Don't forget to wash your hair every two or three days, and massage your scalp for 30 seconds. Massaging the scalp can improve blood circulation and stimulate hair follicles to produce thicker and shiny hair. In addition, apply olive oil or vitamin E on the scalp. And protect your scalp and hair from the harmful sting of ultraviolet rays using a hat.
  • Treatment when shampooing

  • It is recommended to choose a shampoo that is suitable for the type of hair (normal, oily, dry) and according to the hair problems experienced (dandruff, branching, loss). Avoid shampoos that contain hard ingredients, such as ammonium lauryl sulfate or sodium lauryl sulfate. Oh yes, when shampooing it is recommended to use warm water. Hot water can eliminate hair's natural oils, while cold water can make hair dull. After shampooing, apply conditioner to keep hair soft, shiny and easy to style. Let stand for two to three minutes before rinsing thoroughly.
  • Treatment after shampooing

  • Hair that is still wet, three times more susceptible to damage. Therefore, it is advisable not to comb or rub wet hair with a towel. Better hair styling when it's 90 percent dry and try to let the hair dry by itself as a way of regular hair care.
  • Daily care

  • To keep your crown healthy, don't forget to practice taking care of your hair by minimizing the use of hair accessories. Do not twist or braid hair too often (especially too tight), do not take too long or comb your hair frequently, and trimming hair regularly (every 10-12 weeks to prevent split ends). Reduce the use of hair products made from chemicals and the use of hair styling tools that use heat,
  • Food and hair vitamins

  • What you consume also affects the health and beauty of hair. Therefore, it is recommended to eat protein-laden foods (eggs, milk, beans, fish, poultry, meat), iron (nuts, shellfish, oysters, pumpkin seeds, spinach), omega-3 fatty acids (salmon, sardines , cheese, yogurt). You can also take biotin supplements to help reduce or prevent hair loss.
In addition to practicing a variety of ways to treat hair above, it would be more perfect if you consult a doctor to help treat hair to stay beautiful and healthy. Especially if you have complaints related to hair health.
